Today I’m Sharing a FREE “I (heart) To Sew” Valentine I Made For You Guys!
Hey friends! As we near Valentine’s Day, I wanted to think of a way I could give back to all of you – my sweet readers. This blog wouldn’t be possible without all of your love and support, and you really don’t even know how much you guys mean to me! I really enjoy making Valentine’s Day crafts and decor and I love sharing how I decorate for Valentine’s Day with you all, but I wanted to do something more.
Since so many of you guys love to sew, I thought I would make something for you all! I LOVE to sew, and I also truly enjoy giving gifts, and I thought it might be more special if I created something myself for you all. What better wall art for your sewing area then something that says I (heart) To Sew! (Get the downloads below, print at home, and enjoy your FREE sewing decor.)

So I hope you enjoy this printable sweet friends! There are so many ways you could use it. I made two, so you can print them for a 5x7in frame or an 8x10in frame. You could also resize the printable and use it for gift tags, or even make garland to hang in your sewing area. Whatever you decide to do with it, I hope you’ll tag me on Instagram or Facebook with your creative ideas so I can see them!

Nothing brings me more joy than to see my work, kits, projects, or crafts in your homes.
Click on the size you need to get your FREE I Heart To Sew Wall Art
Check out my other Sewing and Fashion Design Printable Wall Art HERE:

Thank you for“I (heart) To Sew”
Judi Harris
You are so welcome! 🙂
Happy Sewing