Your pup will love laying in this extra comfy dog bed. It is made from a simple patch-work method, so it is quick and easy to sew. Make one side lamb’s wool fabric or soft flannel fabric for your pup!
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- 2 dog print fabrics for the top of the bed
- cotton craft stuffing or quilt batting
- soft flannel or lamb’s wool fabric fo bottom of bed
- basic sewing supplies
Patch-Work Dog Bed – Step 1
Depending on the size of your dog and the size you want your dog bed to be will determine the size of the squared to cut. Jypsi, our model, is a medium size Golden Retriever, so we cut our squares 10″. If you have a larger dog you can cut your squares 12″, and with a smaller dog you can cut your squares 6″.You will need eight squares of each fabric print.
Patch-Work Dog Bed – Step 2
First pin one each of the two opposite fabric squares pretty sides together. Sew down the seam using the pressure foot as your guide.
Patch-Work Dog Bed – Step 3
Once you have sewn two sets of two squares open them up and sew the two sets together in the same manner, pinning down the side with the fabrics pretty side together. Sew down the seam. Now you will have a row of four squares.
Patch-Work Dog Bed – Step 4
Do this to all of your squares until you have all four rows done. Once they are done place them on a table the way you would like them to be as the dog bed.
Patch-Work Dog Bed – Step 5
Next sew the two of the four rows together in the same manner. Pin two of the rows pretty sides together pinning and matching the seams. Stitch down the seam. Repeat this until all four rows are sewn together to form the top of the dog bed.
Patch-Work Dog Bed – Step 6
Using the bed top that you just made as your pattern, cut a piece of lambs wool fabric or soft flannel a little bit larger for the back of the dog bed.
Patch-Work Dog Bed – Step 7
Place the dog bed top and back pretty sides together and pin around the outer edges. Leave an 8″ opening. Stitch around the edge. Don’t forget to leave the 8″ opening for turning and stuffing. Trim seams if necessary.
Patch-Work Dog Bed – Step 8
Turn dog bed pretty side out. Carefully poke corners with a pencil.
Patch-Work Dog Bed – Step 9
Carefully place layers of quilt batting in the dog bed, or craft stuffing. Do not stuff to firmly, you want a nice soft fluffy bed for your dog. Finally hand sew the opening closed.
Your patch-work dog bed is now finished and it is time for your puppy or dog to enjoy their new comfy dog bed you just made them!


Free Dog Bed Patterns To Save Money And Spoil Your Pup ⋆ Hello Sewing
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