I love decorating my home at Easter time with all my bunnies I’ve made throughout the years. Now that my kids are older, I have to start making several of each bunny so they can decorate their own homes too. Enjoy the photos!
It’s funny, this adorable bunny is probably my favorite, and I didn’t even make her! My talented crafting friend Joan made this country bunny. Look at all the fine detail she put into this doll; she stenciled carrots on the apron, the fabric carrots held in the bunny’s hand were made from muslin fabric and then painted, the cute face is painted and I love the wooden nose and whiskers, and the straw hat has moss and carrots glued on it.
This little bunny popping his head out of a carrot was made from tea-stained muslin fabric. I made the face with long ears that can be twisted and hand-sewn to stay in place, and the hands were made separate too. Then I glued them onto a painted carrot which I cut out from #2 pine wood. Last I added a rope to hang the craft, and green crate paper as the carrot topper. Easy to make and adorable to hang.
This is Beatrice. She is a handmade primitive bunny with stick legs holding a black crow. She was made with just a rectangular base for the body. Then a dress was made, and last her head with ears was made separate, and hand-stitched onto the dress.
I bought this delightful handmade bunny holding a big carrot from Lancaster, PA from the Amish crafters. He is just too loveable! I love his little feet and how they are hand-stitched to show his paws.
Here is my newest addition to my bunny collection, Lily. I bought her off of a crafter on ebay, craftymom1958. She is made from a tan and white plaid homespun fabric. Her bow is made from jute burlap ribbon. She sits on my fridge all year long in my country farm kitchen!
If you look carefully at this bunny and take away the ears you can see how this craft could also be a snowman! This was originally a snowman pattern and I simply added ears, a carrot, and a basket of chicks to make him a bunny! He is made from tea-stained muslin fabric and is super easy to sew!
As you can see, these fabric little peeps look good enough to eat! They are made from soft flannel fabric. You can make these cute little fabric bunny peeps too!
This Easter your guests will be tempted to pick up this adorable rabbit and take a bit, but beware, it’s made from soft flannel chocolate color fabric! You can also make this delicious project!
This adorable little handmade bunny sits in a painted paper mache’ egg holding his big fabric carrot!
This handmade bunny & chick couple were made from polka dot fabric that was heavily tea-stained to give a primitive and antique appearance.
This is Floppy the Bunny! He is a charming addition to my handmade bunny collection. I made him from vintage chenille fabric that I tea-stained. He is super easy to sew, even a beginner can make him, and here are the easy-to-follow directions to make Floppy the Bunny!
I used a paisley cream, green, and brown print to make this adorable little bunny. He reminds me of a sketch you would find in a vintage book from a Peter Cotton Tail story!
Here is one of my bigger rabbits I made. These big bunnies were great sellers during the spring craft shows. You can read below at my gardening bunny to see how I did some “short-cuts” to make these big bunnies!
Here is one of my smaller bunnies I made who is holding onto his carrots! |
This cute little bunny I made for my mom to put in her vintage yellow & green kitchen!
Instead of using the typical muslin or a calico cotton fabric for the bunny’s body like I have for all my other handmade bunnies, I made this cute little girl bunny using warm and natural quilt batting. This gave her a soft feel. Then I made her a dress from a pretty pink fabric. She was one of my big sellers at spring craft shows.
This cute little bunny I made from a pattern I found on-line for free. She is adorable! If you look on-line there are plenty of free patterns for making bunnies, use the keywords, “free bunny patterns to sew” in the search engine.
I love my big bunnies! This big guy is about 26″ and he is my gardening bunny. I cheated a little with making this craft. I bought the doll body pre-made, (That saves me a lot of time sewing, turning, stuffing, and sewing a doll body together.) then tea-stained him. Then I sewed bunny ears and added the ears to the straw hat, and stitched him up some gardening clothes. I used light pink paint for his cheeks and the center of his ears, and gave him eyes, whiskers, and a cute wooden round nose. Last I glued carrots and gardening tools to him.
After I made this bunny, I found this tall wooden bird house and painted and stained it. Then I wrote “Welcome” on the sign and glued some moss and my bunny hanging on the bird house. This spring craft welcomes my guests for Easter dinner at the front door. |
Thank you for taking a look at my bunny collection and I hope you enjoyed it as well as were inspired to make one of your own!


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