There are many different ways that you can repurpose jeans. Whether it’s making clothes, quilts, or crafts denim is a great fabric to make item out of. Here is a tour of all the different projects people have made including students here at Love To Sew Studio.
Don’t throw those old jeans away! Make something fun and new with them like Lyn did. She cut off the legs (They will be used for another project.), then stitched up the bottom, added a handle, and appliquéd an adorable dinosaur. And now, she has a new bag for school. |
Jackie made this vest from different shades of old denim jeans!
Erika made this awesome looking 1940s news-boy hat from two different old pair of jeans that she was going to throw away!
Rachel made this adorable handbag from one pair of old jeans! How clever!
Alexandra made this cute baby-doll sun dress, mini purse, and headband from different shades of old jeans.
Hailey took seven different pair of old jeans that were to be thrown out, and cut them up, and sewed them together to make a nine-patch pillow. She used different areas of the jeans like the pockets, the hem, and the front legs. You can make a nine-patch pillow too! Here’s How!
Heather recycled jeans into this adorable jumper. She took 1st place with her creation in the “Recycle Jeans Challenge” at our Project RUNWAY camp. |
Check out these adorable little giraffe stuffed animals that Kim made from Pittsburg, PA. They were made from old worn out jeans!!! These are so adorable you could sell them!
Manjari, a teacher from the country of Sri Lanka brings us these photos of a bag she made from our free instructions. Sewing is one of her favorite leisure time activities.

Check out Lindsey’s adorable top she made from a couple pair of old jeans!
Lynda from Raleigh, N.C. sends us these photos showing recycled denim pants that she turned into these adorable purses for her grand-daughters. She also shared how inspiring it is to see others people’s work on the site and you-tube. She made these purses out of one pair of size 2 jeans for kids that she bought at a thrift store. She cut the legs off and made the shorts purse and decorated it and lined it. She also made the handle out of some beads. (Which I think is an awesome idea!)She made all of this by eye with no pattern. Of course her grand-daughters just loved what their nana had made them.
Sometimes I think we don’t realize or appreciate how precious handmade things are that people spent the time, love, and effort making. I am in my 50’s and I still have several quilts and raggedy dolls that my nana and great-grandmother made me. Each time I look at them a smile comes to my face thinking about my wonderful nana, grand-mother, and great-grandmother. I wish they were here now, so I could just hug them and thank them again for making me those wonderful heirlooms.
Katia’s first sewing project ever…she made this adorable lined bag from an old shirt and an old pair of jeans!
Turn your old jeans into a cute hopping skirt!
These old denim jeans were made into a new bed spread.
Here is old jeans turned into a cute fun and colorful purse that one of my younger students made.
Use the pocket of old jeans to make this placemat with a place for the silverware to lay.
Turning old denim jeans into new comfy quilts is a fun and easy project to do!
You can also turn old denim jeans into cute stuffed animal projects, like these shown here: a Blow Fish, an Owl, and an Elephant.
Here is a chic bag that were made from old denim jeans.
I hoped you enjoyed this tour threw denim fashion and crafts and it inspires you to create something of your own. Feel free to send pictures of your own designs because we love to see what you guys create!


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